Tag Archives: Syria

The Race For Dominance In The Middle East Has Begun, Obama Still Asleep


As I have been warning in the past, Iran, China, and Russia is partnering up in order to gain control of the Middle East, not just to defeat ISIS and save Syria.  North Korea is being used to deflect attention away from what is going on, and could be considered a quiet partner regarding same, this presents a very big problem.  Since they know that Obama doesn’t have much longer to go, they are now going to try and take advantage of his inability or lack of will, to do anything about their intervention.  What they are not realizing is that the other players in the region are not going to have any of it, at least not without a fight.  This will eventually lead to World War III.   At this time, I will like to thank President Obama for a job well done.  The consequences of doing nothing and apologizing for everything, has come to bite us in the rear.   Notice how the major news media is staying away from this development.  God help us all.

A Failed Policy, $1Billion Dollars Later – How Much More?

We have to start wondering why our government has spent nearly $1Billion dollars so far on the fight against ISIS, and we are still no closer to making a dent on their path to destruction.   Am I the only one who is seeing this?  Of course not!  Our White House and Congress knows that this strategy is not working, and even knew it wouldn’t work before it even began.  So why are we spending a billion dollars so far on something that won’t work?  To keep our mouth shut and to buy them some time during this election cycle.  After all, we wouldn’t want to talk about sending our children into harms way during the elections, because they will probably lose their seats.  Selfish you say?  Definitely, but this is all part of politics even if it means we all go to hell in a flaming bunny basket.  We all know we can’t defeat ISIS by air power alone and that it would be too risky to have Arab boots on the ground. These countries are just too plagued with extremism and too many ISIS hidden cells within their ranks.  What does this leave us with?  Please let me sum it up for all of you.  It leaves us with a Middle East that is engulfed in blood and leaders that are afraid to commit ground troops out of fear that they will be next to be overrun.  It leaves us with other allies that are unwilling to take on the cost of blood and treasure due their own political and financial woes, and it leaves us once again, with no choice but to take on the burden ourselves, if we decide it is of Nation Security Interests.

FACT – The situation with ISIS is definitely a risk to National Security even World Security.  We cannot fight this with air power alone and requires competent hardened boots on the ground to get the job done.  Our so called allies do not have the stomach to go all in, and are contributing to the ultimate failure of the campaign to destroy ISIS.  The world watches on as ISIS takes over more and more land on their way to pillaging, raping, beheading, crucifying and having an afternoon soccer game using the heads of their enemies for recreation.  The fact is, if we don’t get involved real soon, this band of animals are going to make Hitler look like a humanitarian and a skipping girl scout, selling cookies.  The fact is, we do not have the money to get involved in such a huge war and are truly having a hard time with making a total commitment.  In short, ISIS has free reign and will continue to take over land, in fact, the Middle East.  This is no joke folks, this is a real possibility.  Once they take over, their ambitions will expand beyond the Middle East.  History is beginning to repeat itself, and the world sits by doing nothing.   In fact, the world is looking to America to take on the heavy lifting, including nation building after we destroy everything in sight.   Oh let us not forget the criticisms, condemnations of how we are executing the war and how we are treating the captured animals.  After all, they need 3 square meals a day, showers, beds, air-conditioners,  recreation and all the amenities that come with being a guess at our high end facilities.  However, all these animals can afford us is a beheading and a good kicking of our heads as they play soccer afterwords.  I think you are getting my drift.  Political correctness has to end.

If we should decide to finally get involved where it would actually make a difference, then we need to let the world know that they will have to deal with the after expense of the campaign to destroy ISIS.  We shouldn’t do any nation building whatsoever.  They should know that there will be a lot of casualties and that they should not expect a clean job since ISIS is not a conventional army, but a bunch of animals that cannot be contained and needs to be put down quickly and at any cost.  Unfortunately, there will be many killed both good and bad.  Otherwise, stop spending our money on campaigns that have no chance of succeeding .  It is time to stop the stupidity and get serious about what we are doing. We need new leaders across the board.  God help America!

Did Turkey Make A Deal With ISIS? Obama Still In Denial

ISIS Taking Over Syrian Kurdish Forces

Let’s face it folks.  Why would Turkey allow ISIS to get so close to taking over the town of Kobani, a border town with Turkey?  Why the inaction from the Turkish Government?  Is it because the Syrian Kurdish Rebels are allied with the PKK and because they don’t like Assad?  Perhaps, but if so, they are really a bunch of idiots if you ask me.  However, I don’t believe this is the case at all because “momma don’t make no fools”.  In war, you always have to pick the side of the lessor threat and in this case, it would definitely be Assad and the Kurdish Rebels.  Their inaction doesn’t make much sense at all.  On one of my previous post I hinted at the possibility that Turkey made a deal with ISIS, not to get involved in the conflict and this is circumstantially, beginning to look more credible.    I know I am being very cynical here but you can’t leave any stone unturned.   Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

Why is it that the Obama administration is not coming to grips with the fact that this situation has spun out of control and that the only way out of this is to work with the Syrian government to try and regain control of the country?  You cannot rely on neighboring countries to do the fighting on the ground because they all have sympathizers within their ranks (look at Iraq), and to send neighboring ground troop would surely give ISIS a true shot in taking over the whole middle east.  These countries are infested with this cancer and it will devour everything and everyone in sight.  If they are so worried about perception then do it in secret, but do it quickly.  Unfortunately, our Administration is too naive to wake up in time.  This is going to cost allot of American lives due to their in-actions and inability to make the right choices simply because of perception.   Obviously this is my opinion but we are in serious trouble now, and our National security is seriously threatened, thanks to Obama and our do nothing, money hungry Congress.

ISIS On The Road To Self Destruction And The Cause Of Massive Deaths – Obama In Denial

Who's Funding ISIS?

Once again, the Obama administration is bungling foreign affairs up badly.   This time it will be a very costly mistake indeed.  We cannot fund and train these so called moderate rebels in Syria.  They cannot be trusted and most likely than not, they will betray us in the end.

For anyone to think that our so called Arab Allies are going to join in on the fight, is down right ignorant.  ISIS already has cells in these Arab countries and can start an uprising anytime they choose.   Think about it.  One of our closest Ally, Jordan , is crippled on this matter since more than 70% of their population promote violence against the West. It would be safe to say, ISIS is inside these countries already.  Please let us not kid ourselves, ISIS is getting allot of funding from Qatar which is another country we are in bed with.  Oh, did I mentioned that Turkey just had its’ citizens released by ISIS?  Hmmm, how did that happen?  I am sure they will not say, since they probably made a pledge to ISIS not to get involved in the fight.  Only time will tell if this turns out to be true.  Notice how Russia and China haven’t been hit by these organizations?  Sure they may have internal militias that opposes the government but nothing like ISIS or AlQaeda.   I would like to see ISIS or AlQaeda try and terrorize one of these Nations.  You know what would happen?  They will put them on ice real quick no matter what the International Community has to say about it.  You know why?  Because they simply can and nothing will be done about it.  They take decisive action and treat force with force.  A no nonsense policy.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are getting close to a World disaster that will make the loses of WWII look like a drop in the bucket.  It will destroy the World Economy and some Nations will be left in ruins.  We are leaving the ground work to countries that are simply too scared, unwilling, or incapable of handling such a monumental task.  So what does that leave us with?  I hate to say this, but it leave us with an incapable Commander In Chief and a do nothing Congress, that due to their inaction and inability to function in times of crisis, will lead this country to its’ downfall and demise.  The World is in trouble and everyone is shoving their heads between their legs hoping for it to go away.  This is truly sad and extremely worrisome.  You better get off your couch and start demanding of your leaders to get nasty and start doing their jobs, asap!   We either go in full force and flatten this country out, or help Assad gain back control of his country (It is the better of both evils).  If we have to take the country, let the international community deal with the after affects and the cost of nation building.  Why should we once again lose blood and treasure for the sake of the world and get stuck with the huge bill afterwards and the bad rap.  There is no other way.  May God help us all.



Once Again, Ditched By Our Allies Britain and Germany Regarding Air Strikes In Syria

Britain and Germany back peddling againOnce again, we are left with the bag of feces, smell and all.  It seems like our allies support us in losing our sons and daughters in conflicts trying to protect their sorry @##.  Why is it that we are the ones to incur the greatest cost in blood and treasure while everyone else sweeps the floor, criticizes and goes home.  I say don’t bomb Syria unless Britain and Germany joins us and gets dirty as well.  You know what, I say let Assad know that if he doesn’t concentrate his forces on ISIS and eliminate them, we will be bombing ISIS locations with sophisticated Nuclear Smart bombs that only affects a certain amount of miles around and be done with it.  Do what the Israelis do, send pan-flits to the areas that would be affected and give them a certain amount of time to get out of Dodge City, period.  Why should we care and endanger our troops for these animal losers.  Yes, we will be hammered by the international community but so what.  We are always hammered by everybody.  However, I assure you that after this is done, these nut jobs will calm down and disappear knowing that we will make them extinct if they push us too far.  Also the World will know not to @#@$ with us since we can get a bit crazy too.  We did it in World War II and everyone calmed down, and there was peace and prosperity thereafter.  America was then the sweet heart of the World because we displayed eminence power and showed we are not afraid to use it.  We have become too politically correct, we worry about what our good for nothing allies think.  However, back to reality.  Obama has no shorts and either does our congress.  We have the most yellow belly, thinned spine, money hungry do nothing Government, I have ever seen.  Hell, I’ll take Bush back!  It is time to get nasty and make an example of these losers.  Forget our allies, they are worthless!  Just my opinion. Thanks

Is The Strategy to Defeat ISIS IN SYRIA A Good Plan Or A Recipe For Disaster?

President Obama: 'This Is Our Strategy' to Destroy ISISOk let’s start by saying that the administration’s actions is a start but I don’t believe it is in the right direction.  I don’t agree with the strategy of bombing ISIS in Syria and training the opposition forces in Saudi Arabia.  There are no forces on the ground that can be trusted let alone give them our sophisticated arms.  Haven’t we learned our lesson in Iraq?

Using Saudi Arabia as a training ground, seriously?  Saudi Arabia is part of the problem since they are the financier of extreme Islamic teachings that sparks off and inspires these terrorist.  If Saudi Arabia truly wants to help, let them stop sending money to these madrasas that teach hatred and extremism that inspires these nut jobs.  This is a step in the right direction.

Training the opposition in Syria is too risky since there are rumors that it was one of these factions that gave the american reporter to ISIS and the end result was decapitation.  The risks are too high and not a true viable option.

A more sound option would be to bomb ISIS in Syria and when possible, send in special forces  (from various countries) with air cover, to take out key targets and extractions, and continue doing this over and over again, until ISIS has no more base of operations or reliable leadership.  This is the only option that makes sense and is doable.  I didn’t say easy or not costly, but definitely doable.

As for the Syrian Government, we need to understand that democracy is not for everybody. We should have learned this lesson with Iraq and now we will learn our lesson with Afghanistan in due time.  These countries have been ruled by kings, prince and flat out dictators for centuries.  People under these type of rule are not used to freedom and they only respect brutality and power.  Culture and Ideology run strong in these countries and cannot be changed.  Therefore, if a country such as Syria, Iraq, etc., is stabled and their people are under control, why are we poking the hornets nest?  We have this obsession with taking out Bashar al-Assad because he is such a bad guy.  However, he kept things in order and controlled.  In fact, he actually protected the Christian minorities in his country.  I know this sounds crazy, but once we are done with ISIS, leave this guy alone and let him try to control his country again.  Hey, we do business with Saudi Arabia and they spread hatred and extremism which is insane.  Oh, I forgot, they have lots of oil.  We are such hypocrites.  This is my opinion.