Tag Archives: Nuclear Deal

Iran Deal, A Pathway To World Conflict

Arab Leaders



Well, it is done and now a new chapter begins.  Obama has sealed the fate of the World.  We are now headed toward World conflict and mass destruction which will include nuclear exchanges, simply because of ignorance and incompetent advisers.  Surely now everyone in the region is going to race towards developing their own nuclear program.  What are you going to tell them?  No?  Obama royally screwed up on this one and may God help us all.    If your own allies in the region are telling you this is a bad deal, what part of it do you not understand?  I understand we must pursuit a peaceful solution but that is only if we have someone who really wants the same.  They continually say they want to wipe Israel and America off the face of the earth and yet you want to make a deal with them?

Obama talks about assuring our allies that everything will be alright and that this was a good deal.  He says that we would not tolerate a nuclear Iran.  Really?   Just like you created red lines that have been crossed many times over and you have done nothing about it.  No one has confidence in what Obama is promising.  He lost his credibility around the World.  There is a time for peace, but unfortunately there is a time for war.  We could have prevented World conflict if we would have been tougher on Iran, and made them an example, but we failed to lead with resolve.

The Russians immediately after the agreement announced that they were going to go ahead with their huge ballistic missile deal with Iran!  What does that tell you?  Weren’t they part of this nuclear negotiation?   How many times do we have to get slapped in the face until you wake up Mr. President?  I believe it is time for a new President and fast.

Wow, is all I can say.

The Iran Deal, Is Now A Great Embarrassment To The United States Yet We Continue?

Iran NegotiationsPic From:

Really?  More deadlines?  This is now a total mess and administrative disaster.  There are no words that I can use to describe this scenario.  Obama and Kerry failed miserably but that was to be expected, since we are dealing with Iran.  We should have just walked away and start making them pay for their stupidity and delusional sense of military superiority and arrogance.  At this point the administration are making fools of themselves and of this great Country of ours.  Congress should try and stop this circus before it causes anymore credibility issues with our allies and other countries around the world.  Stop the nonsense!

It is now time for action, grow a pair and get to work.  This is an absolute embarrassment and a huge win for Iran and a boost to their delusional state of mind, not helpful.  You are simply flaming the fires of delusion that just might get too big to tame.  Very disappointed with this administration, shame on you!

Iran Deal, A Great Effort, A Horrible Ending

Iran President


The Obama Iranian Nuclear Deal is a very noble and peaceful thing to try and accomplish.  I always did like Obama since he really tries very hard to find peaceful solutions to the World’s problems, and especially regarding the powder cake that is now the Middle East.  Having said that, I can tell you his administration, and foreign policy advisers have failed him terribly. They failed because they refused to see the reality of ideology, Centuries of brutal rule and unbreakable customs and strong beliefs.  They continually act too little too late.  Anyone who truly understands the Middle East understands that talking vs violent persuasion never wins, it is a sign of weakness.  These countries, their leaders and for that matter the people don’t understand talking before conflict.  They believe in hammer first, then rationalizing in favor of the winner.  It is just the way it is and nothing is going to change that.  So when you have a regime such as the Iranian leader saying “death to America” and “death to Israel”, he truly means it.  I can only refer you to their proxy war happening right now, around the Middle East.  They are starting to take over countries and are in a race for domination against ISIS.  However, they are taking full advantage of the situation since they know Obama does not have the will to go to War with them, since they feel he is a weak leader and easily intimidated (so they believe). Again, they only respect the Iron Fist.

In review of this Holy Mess, the World is heading toward global conflict and mass destruction, it will all start in the Middle East.  Obama doesn’t realize it, but he played a major roll in fanning this disaster.  It’s almost like a Judas story. You go talk to the enemy make a deal, come back and give your friends a kiss of assurance, then they get executed unexpectedly.

From backing down when the Iranian Military challenged or harassed our ships, to letting them get away with displaying our drone in front of the world and giving us a black eye, without any consequences.  Also by setting deadlines, and when broken, doing nothing in response.  Obama’s failure to show our military bite when provoked, worked against him and now he is helpless in preventing the Mother Of All Wars without going to war himself.  This would never have happened with the Russian military, since they would have sunk their boats and and destroyed their planes in a heart beat, especially in International Waters and when provoked.  You just can’t feed arrogance.  This the Iranian Regime respects.

We have done enough damage in the Middle East with our inaction, we need to take a hard look at what is transpiring and start preparing for the inevitable.  Obama is just not the right President for this time in History, but a great human being and a blind lover peace.  God help us all.