Tag Archives: Israel

WWIII – A 2016 Warning Ignored

In June of 2016 I wrote a post on this site explaining what was happening to the world. I explained the access of evil. No one paid attention. Now the world is edging towards WWIII. Unfortunately, history is repeating itself but only worse. This didn’t have to occur.

This country is at war from within. However, the war is between the NWO (Soros) and China, but for now they have a mutual interest, and that is the destruction of our country from within. You see, neither side can win their own race for domination unless the U.S. is destroyed, morally, economically, and intellectually. This endeavor is now nearly completed.

What’s coming…

Allow me to tell you what might come, if you care to listen. With emotions high and anger reaching a fever pitch, the world is headed towards war. Russia will eventually come to blows with the U.S. which will be catastrophic, China will invade Taiwan and possibly draw us in there as well, Iran will go full steam ahead with their nuclear bomb, Isarael will attack Iran, America will also be involved, North Korea will attack south Korea in order to take over, that will also involve our troops, the terrorist will sit and wait, in order to pick up the pieces once it is all done. At this point the entire globe will be at war. However, China will come out ahead since it will not get bogged down in other parts of the world, since their main interest is Taiwan, and they will take it over, and eventually, the entire world. They are actually hoping that we will be so tied down in Europe, that we will not be able to do anything about Taiwan. Don’t forget, we are almost flat broke (wars cost money), and we can’t keep printing money and getting into costly wars. The sick part of all this is that everything started from ground zero, here in our country. Between NWO and China, they have taken over all our places of education, law enforcement, media, sports, music, movies (entertainment), Local governments, DA’s offices, the White House, Congress, the Senate, intelligent agencies, and special interest groups that champion their agenda. Even the major corporations in this country. So, what do we have left? Nothing, in my opinion. They have turned everyone against each other, no one trusts the other and everyone is demoralized and mentally defeated. We’ve done this to ourselves.

Currently there is a race for domination of the world and an economic reset will follow once the smoke settles. Will it be China or NWO? Either way, the world will never be the same and these evil people will have their global reduction of population one way or another.

Is There Any Solution to Stop This?

Yes, but the chances of us implementing the solution is like playing the Mega Million, the odds are very slim due to our people’s deep sleep and unwillingness to wake up. Basically, we are shipwrecked. My best advice is for you to prepare as if you were preparing for a tsunami. Move to high ground, hunker down and pray for the best. Stock up and good luck. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Don’t make the same mistake again.

Emotions & Anger – Fueling the Fires of War

Check out the following link… Emotions will drive us into war and leaders are counting on it.


Iran Deal, A Great Effort, A Horrible Ending

Iran President


The Obama Iranian Nuclear Deal is a very noble and peaceful thing to try and accomplish.  I always did like Obama since he really tries very hard to find peaceful solutions to the World’s problems, and especially regarding the powder cake that is now the Middle East.  Having said that, I can tell you his administration, and foreign policy advisers have failed him terribly. They failed because they refused to see the reality of ideology, Centuries of brutal rule and unbreakable customs and strong beliefs.  They continually act too little too late.  Anyone who truly understands the Middle East understands that talking vs violent persuasion never wins, it is a sign of weakness.  These countries, their leaders and for that matter the people don’t understand talking before conflict.  They believe in hammer first, then rationalizing in favor of the winner.  It is just the way it is and nothing is going to change that.  So when you have a regime such as the Iranian leader saying “death to America” and “death to Israel”, he truly means it.  I can only refer you to their proxy war happening right now, around the Middle East.  They are starting to take over countries and are in a race for domination against ISIS.  However, they are taking full advantage of the situation since they know Obama does not have the will to go to War with them, since they feel he is a weak leader and easily intimidated (so they believe). Again, they only respect the Iron Fist.

In review of this Holy Mess, the World is heading toward global conflict and mass destruction, it will all start in the Middle East.  Obama doesn’t realize it, but he played a major roll in fanning this disaster.  It’s almost like a Judas story. You go talk to the enemy make a deal, come back and give your friends a kiss of assurance, then they get executed unexpectedly.

From backing down when the Iranian Military challenged or harassed our ships, to letting them get away with displaying our drone in front of the world and giving us a black eye, without any consequences.  Also by setting deadlines, and when broken, doing nothing in response.  Obama’s failure to show our military bite when provoked, worked against him and now he is helpless in preventing the Mother Of All Wars without going to war himself.  This would never have happened with the Russian military, since they would have sunk their boats and and destroyed their planes in a heart beat, especially in International Waters and when provoked.  You just can’t feed arrogance.  This the Iranian Regime respects.

We have done enough damage in the Middle East with our inaction, we need to take a hard look at what is transpiring and start preparing for the inevitable.  Obama is just not the right President for this time in History, but a great human being and a blind lover peace.  God help us all.

Once Again, Ditched By Our Allies Britain and Germany Regarding Air Strikes In Syria

Britain and Germany back peddling againOnce again, we are left with the bag of feces, smell and all.  It seems like our allies support us in losing our sons and daughters in conflicts trying to protect their sorry @##.  Why is it that we are the ones to incur the greatest cost in blood and treasure while everyone else sweeps the floor, criticizes and goes home.  I say don’t bomb Syria unless Britain and Germany joins us and gets dirty as well.  You know what, I say let Assad know that if he doesn’t concentrate his forces on ISIS and eliminate them, we will be bombing ISIS locations with sophisticated Nuclear Smart bombs that only affects a certain amount of miles around and be done with it.  Do what the Israelis do, send pan-flits to the areas that would be affected and give them a certain amount of time to get out of Dodge City, period.  Why should we care and endanger our troops for these animal losers.  Yes, we will be hammered by the international community but so what.  We are always hammered by everybody.  However, I assure you that after this is done, these nut jobs will calm down and disappear knowing that we will make them extinct if they push us too far.  Also the World will know not to @#@$ with us since we can get a bit crazy too.  We did it in World War II and everyone calmed down, and there was peace and prosperity thereafter.  America was then the sweet heart of the World because we displayed eminence power and showed we are not afraid to use it.  We have become too politically correct, we worry about what our good for nothing allies think.  However, back to reality.  Obama has no shorts and either does our congress.  We have the most yellow belly, thinned spine, money hungry do nothing Government, I have ever seen.  Hell, I’ll take Bush back!  It is time to get nasty and make an example of these losers.  Forget our allies, they are worthless!  Just my opinion. Thanks

What Palestinian People Need Is Real Leadership Not More Of The Same

Kerry Shaking Abbas Hand

Oh Kerry, Kerry, Kerry my friend.  With all due respect, all you are doing is nothing more than placing an old band-aid on this old horrible problem.   What the administration should be doing is gathering together with the right allies and reconstructing these poor peoples government, and getting rid of these old hounds (current leaders) that keep going back to the same old historical hatred, that has stuck with them until now.  What you need to do is educate Israel on how to treat human beings ,and not violate their basic rights as humans, even if they are not Israelis.   What Israel needs to do is stop bombing these areas, do a full ground invasion to take over these territories, dismantle this government and then demand that a new government be placed by well educated, individuals with Palestinian decent that can lead these poor people out of this hell that they are living in.  Currently there is no other option for these people but abuse and death.  This is not a workable solution.  Yes, they have a right to defend themselves but it must be done right.  They have the dome that shoots down most of these bombs so they definitely have pretty good protection and bombing the living day out of civilians is not the answer.  They need to know where they came from and what they have suffered as a people.  This is just my opinion, but I feel this is going back to square one.  Very Sad indeed.

The Madness Of Two Sides, And The Victims Of Ideology And Hatred

Strike On Gaza
An Unnecessary Disaster and tragedy

This is an absolute tragedy and senseless killing of innocent children on both sides of the fence. What we have here is a failure to lead with compassion, human dignity, sound and sane leadership, both from the Israeli and Palestinian Side. There are 2 problems I see and these are they:

  • From The Israeli Side – The Israeli forces are abusive, demeaning, over aggressive, insensitive and very condescending to it’s Non-Jewish Citizens and foreigners alike. They have a heavy hand and know how to demoralize a human being. They have proven it during the years and now more so than ever. The media is all over it and it is as plain as day.  Yet they find excuses and hide behind terrorist concerns, security, etc.  This is getting very old and quite frankly, annoying.  I am not saying that terrorist threats are not real, but you don’t win peoples hearts and minds by demoralizing them and then blaming it on their leadership. I am a Christian but I have my eyes wide open and will call it as I see it.  Paul was one who persecuted the Christians for their beliefs and practices, but at the end, it was Love (Christ) who changed his heart and course.  For those Christians who refuse to rebuke what is wrong, you then should be lovingly rebuked for your tolerance of bad behavior by the Jewish State.  I love my Christ, Jerusalem and obviously the Jewish State.  You are suppose to correct those you love and become oil for their healing.  You have failed the Jewish State by saying nothing, and for that you will have to answer to Him who you supposedly worship and love.  Bless Israel and rebuke those who tarnish her name.  God is Mercy, Love, Compassion and Tolerance among many things. When Christ bled on the cross, he uttered the words “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”.  He endure for the sake of the many.  Perhaps, the Israeli government could learn something from this.
  •  From The Palestinian Side – My heart truly goes out to these people who have it rough.  They have a jail keeper on one side and a radical, ideological and irrational leadership on the other.   They are left with no other option but to stay with those who throw them to the wolves all for the sake of hatred and Ideology.  The children are taking a huge hit and are left with the feeling of no hope and disparity.   They don’t have true leadership to make their lives better and give them a sense of hope.  The leadership mentality is destructive and could only lead to more deaths and misery.  These people need help with a brand new leadership that can make a difference for them and leave the past in the past.  Thinking of the future, releasing the hatred, using social media and world media as a platform for negotiation, and honest brokering between both parties.  Additionally, laying down their arms of war and terrorist tactics.  In fact, what you need is educational opportunities for these children and lead them in the path of peace, knowledge and prosperity.  Make them a people that can make the right choices when it comes to leadership.  Give them love, education and hope, not hatred and more death.

This is only my opinion and I believe I am entitled to it.  May God help the children of this conflict and have mercy upon them.