Tag Archives: economy

World Domination – A Race For The Finish Line


The reason for this post is a last ditch effort to awaken the American People to what is truly going on within our Country and in the World.  I am tired of these politicians that are in cahoots with each other (both Democrats and Republicans) demonstrating an Oscar wining performance and once again, misleading and abusing the good nature and trust of the American People.  For far too long there has been a true effort by certain global groups to dispense with autonomous (Self-Governing) countries, and whether you like it or not, it is coming to a feverish pitch.   I say this because the groups are at odds with each other.  One of the groups are the Islamic Extremists that have their extreme Ideology, being aware of the race for world domination, is stopping at nothing to spread their war all over the globe in hope to win the race of domination. The other group is the group of deep pockets, the players that believe there should be a One World Order in where there will only be one government for all and even one made up centralized religion, in where no other religion would be allowed.  Control all things through technology, robots, computers, sensors, you name it.  Their idea is to have a type of socialist world government where all citizens are rationed for food, healthcare, monetary allowance, you name it.  The other group are the sleeping Christians, the feel good, prosperity dreamers that are manipulated by crooked self serving leaders that are paid through tax exempt benefits by the Government to stay out of politics and keep their followers peaceful and out of the way of global domination.  Finally, there is the group called the Russia-China connection and friends.  These are the nations that see the writing on the wall and is building their military to deal with any group that would want to challenge their autonomy (True Nationalist).  Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a huge mess in our hands and choosing the wrong candidate for President is going to destroy our way of living, freedom and the ability to be self governed as a Nation.  The worst thing that has ever happened is voting Obama into office (I’m guilty of that).  This was the first Trojan Horse, and after that, many followed and our Nation is at its weakest point in history.  They know that if they lose the White House, their plans for Global governance is at stake.  The choice is yours, make the right one.  May God help us all.  World War III is here and many will die.

No Jobs, No Money, And No Honey

c_yellenmone_140702.nbcnews-video-reststate-800Finally, someone who is making sense. Too many people are still unemployed and it is preventing the real estate market from making a full recovery. In my opinion, these major corporation and mid-sized companies are still siting on their loads of cash and are simply not contributing as they should. Yet, the small companies or should I say tiny companies cannot get off their feet simply due to lack of support and funding. This is not a recovering economy. Inflation and cost of living continues to rise and yet no good paying jobs to offset it.   We have a major problem here, just saying.   Read the Federal Chairman Yellen’s Comments